About Me

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Hello!  I am Erin Duffy-Burke, midwife of the soul, movement minister and priestess of the Divine Mother Love. Rooted in the mysteries of Catholic Christian sacrament, spirituality and social justice, I rise in the reclamation and renewal of Sophia, the Feminine Heart of Christ,  in devotion to the liberation of all beings.  I am moved to re-member and reweave this golden thread of Sophia Christ all the way from the Great Cosmic Mother Goddess into our lives today. I stand in the lineage of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and many other sacramental and spiritual leaders initiated by Holy Wisdom Sophia. 

I have been holding sacred soul space for individuals and communities my whole life, but in a professional capacity for two decades. I hold masters degrees in Catholic Education, Multicultural Ministry and Christian Spirituality from the University of Notre Dame, the Franciscan School of Theology and the Graduate Theological Union, respectively. I serve in many evolving capacities, but primarily these days as embodied soul care practioner for individuals and groups; a facilitator of Evolve Ecstatic Dance; a sacramentalist and ritualist; a theAlogian and writer. 

Please feel free to email me (erinduffyburke@gmail.com) or set up a free call if you feel moved into deeper conversation!


“Erin trusts the natural movement present in conversation and life and allows the organic unveiling of wisdom and truth to manifest.  Through sacred dance, yoga therapy, and attentiveness, Erin creates a safe space for customized exploration and guidance. Her ministry is synergistic, approachable, and grounded in Love.”

— Amber