She Rises!

The Glorious Mysteries of the Mother 

An Easter season Retreat with Mother Mary 

Easter is not a day, it’s a season, a way of being, part of the rhythms of all life, held in the Mother of All Life.  So often, in Christian contexts, we hear “He is Risen!” and that’s it– the joy and the celebration can feel short-lived, anticlimactic even.  But… 

What does it really mean to be Easter people, people of resurrection? 

What is all this talk of rising, and how do we not just believe it, but embody it, as human beings tethered to this earth? 

How do we live in the constant cycles and rhythms of renewal of life from death?  

This mystery of Resurrection central to Christianity has much more ancient roots– it is at the heart of Goddess Herself and the ways the Goddess was understood and worshipped long before Christianity.  The rhythms of resurrection are what any people deeply connected to the land and cycles of nature know in their bones– life does not come except through death.  What dies, will rise– in new life.  

In this third part of our retreat series, we’ll explore resurrection through the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, walking alongside Mother Mary.  We’ll unfold with the Easter season– not a one-day celebration, but as it must have been for the early disciples of Jesus– slowly and with wonderment.  They experienced the trauma of Jesus’ horrific and unjust death, and then they encountered his inexplicable presence– touching the wounds, eating fish, reminding them again and again that He was still, somehow, with them.  Through all of this liminal, through-the-veils time, Mother Mary was there, fully present and reminding everyone of the very Big Love holding it all.  

How do you walk in the liminal spaces, in the inexplicable? 

How do you dance in the here- but-not-yet, in the both-and of human and divine, earth and heaven, body and soul? 

How might we all live resurrection in our bones?  

Join us, to walk together, to wonder together and to weave these mysteries in tangible ways into our lives.  

  • Details

    We’ll meet in live time, on Zoom, 7 pm- 8:30 pm Central Time, for 5 Tuesdays.

    May 17, 24, 31 ; June 7, 14

    Choose to attend live or receive retreat recording the following day.

    Cost: $111 if registered by May 10th ; $125 after (registration closes at noon on May 17th); 10% discount for all attendees of the Advent or Lent Mother Mary retreats

  • Weekly Themes

    Week 1: Resurrection : Love Remains (and it’s not what you think)

    Week 2: Ascension: Entering the Ceaseless Cycles

    Week 3: Descent of Sophia (Pentecost) : What Goes Up Must Come Down

    Week 4: The Assumption of Mary : Falling Asleep in Love

    Week 5: Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth: Awakening to Sovereignty

  • What you'll receive.

    -a deep dive into the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary and how they serve as portals into your life

    -a new lens through which to experience the Easter season, theologically and spiritually

    -tools to engage the Spirit world and liminal space, reaching through the veils and being met in love

    -community, contemplation and conversation with kindred souls

    -a variety of prayer practice: embodied, meditative, visual and textual

    -ever deepening ways to relate to Mother Mary and experience her human and cosmic Love

Our Spirit Guide:  

Mother Mary is a very powerful presence of the Goddess– maiden, mother, queen and crone in one being.  Mary is particularly approachable because she was fully human– as Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth.  And, she moved through the veils between life and death in her Assumption.  Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mary continues to be a potent protector, guide and lover of human hearts and lives everywhere.  She teaches us how to be human in all our messy and beautiful fullness, as well as how to connect with the Spirit world and the Divinity that is both in and beyond us.  She has appeared and continues to appear all over the world, to hundreds of humans of all cultural and faith contexts.  We call on her to guide us in this retreat experience, learning how open to her medicine every day of our life.  

Your retreat facilitator…

Erin Duffy-Burke is a contemporary Catholic priestess of Sophia Christ, dancing in the apostolic lineage of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the many other female sacramental and spiritual leaders of Christianity.  She has almost two decades of experience teaching, ministering, leading retreats and accompanying others in the path of soul, healing and love.  She holds masters degrees in Catholic education, multicultural ministry and Christian Spirituality, and certifications in yoga therapy and embodied transformation.  She is a life-long student of ecstatic dance, nature, and the terrain of the Soul.  You can connect with her and learn more about her work at and  She lives in St. Louis, MO, with her beloved John and their fur babies, Connell and Lupita.