Love Remains

An online Easter season retreat with Mother Mary

The Glorious Mysteries of the Mother and Her Unending Invitation into Eternal Love 

What if our relationship with our beloved ones doesn’t end with death, but simply changes?  How do we live in this change?  What would it mean to orient ourselves into the cycles and seasons of life, death and rebirth, and become people of resurrection? 

People who live in the love that never ends?  

This Easter season, we embark on the path of the early disciples of the Christ light– standing in liminal space, looking at the sky in grief but called back to life, in love, on earth.  Being people of the resurrection means living in the love that never ends– in new, awakening relationship with those that have gone before us.  The Easter season reminds us that we walk in guidance and grace always– in a lineage of ancestors that empower us to live more deeply here on earth.  

In this online retreat space, we will journey together through the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, as portal places with potent archetypal energies for our own being and becoming.  Through them, we remember what it means to be fully human, alive within these cycles of life, death and rebirth.  The Glorious Mysteries bring us in a powerful way into the realities of Eternity– bursting with more life, and more love, than we have yet imagined.  

On this journey, we embrace Mother Mary as our guide as she was to the early followers of the Way– midwife through grief and death and priestess of the New.  With Her, we are propelled into this earthly life with the full guidance and glory of heaven.  


Dates & Times

We gather all the Wednesdays of May, beginning the week of Beltane: May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

7-8:30 pm CST 

Zoom retreat space. Option to attend in live time or receive the recording.


$111 by April 30th; $133 after 

Retreat special: Add a 60-minute Soul Session for just $60 

*please ask if a scholarship or payment plan is needed

Weekly Themes

Week 1: Resurrection – Love Remains

Week 2: Ascension – Guidance is All Around Us 

Week 3: Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) – What Goes Up Must Come Down 

Week 4: Assumption – Cloud of Witnesses 

Week 5: Crowning – Awakening to Sovereignty

Why Mother Mary? 

Why Mother Mary?  Isn’t she an outdated, co-opted tool of the patriarchal church? 

Mother Mary is a powerful archetype and embodiment of the Great Cosmic Mother, Goddess Herself. 

Like all archetypal energies, this is NOT about some being far away.  The Divine Mother is showing us Her heart to call us into our own— to empower our lives for who we are and all we’re called to do and be in this lifetime.  Her heart mirrors our own.  Her love and liberation is ours. 

For those of us who grew up in a Christian lineage (or whose ancestors did), Mother Mary is the way the Goddess, or Divine Feminine, has been hidden in plain sight right in our midst.  She is a potent way to come into relationship with the Divine Feminine without appropriating Her from another tradition.

It is true that she has been used and abused by sexist and misogynistic  forces.  Yet it is MORE true that despite it all— despite every effort to be silenced, seduced or scared away— She remains.  She continues to love Her people.  She continues to show up— to Catholics, Buddhists, the lost and lonely, the nones and the dones, the seeking, the bewildered and the lit on fire in Love.  She is HERE, the Great Comic Mother Herself, and She is beckoning you into Joy, into wHoliness, into ever greater Love and Life. 

Mary is a unique form of the Divine Feminine because in Her lifetime, and in Her ongoing eternal energies, she embodies ALL aspects of Goddess— Maiden, Mother, Crone and Queen, in one expression. 

In this retreat, we will in a particular way explore Her aspects of Crone and Eternal Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Who is this for?

  • those wishing to grow in relationship to the Divine Feminine, themselves and those around them

  • anyone desiring a way to enter the Easter season in a fresh way in a loving community of other seekers

  • those seeking to develop simple spiritual practice that works for them, and interested in a more embodied approach to spirituality

  • anyone with interest in or curiosity around the intersection of Christianity and the Divine Feminine

What will I receive?

  • a deep dive into the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary and how they serve as portals into your life

  • a new lens through which to experience the Easter season, theologically and spiritually

  • tools to engage the Spirit world and liminal space, reaching through the veils and being met in love

  • community, contemplation and conversation with kindred souls

  • a variety of prayer practice:  embodied, meditative, visual and textual

  • ever deepening ways to relate to Mother Mary and experience her human and cosmic Love

Your retreat guide…

Hi, I’m Erin Duffy-Burke, a contemporary catholic priestess. It’s an honor to facilitate this retreat space and journey with you in this way. I love Mother Mary and have since I was a little girl. I am continuously amazed at how She shows up in peoples’ lives to love and heal exactly where they are. I am a life-long believer in the Christ+Mary Mysteries, and enjoy breaking them open with people to receive brand new medicine from this potent stories and practices. A trained minister and theAlogian, I am also a yoga therapist and facilitator of embodied transformation as well as a student of shamanism. I bring embodied tools and earth connection into everything I do, as it’s been such a source of salvation for me. I live in St. Louis, Missouri with my husband and dogs.