Embodied Soul Care

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” -Teilhard de Chardin 

What is an Embodied Soul Session?

Embodied Soul Sessions are sacred space for tuning to the movements of your Soul, embodied as you, in this human life. Often, we seek care for our bodies and minds, but it can be easy to forget about the beautiful, rugged and constantly transforming terrain of the Soul.  Embodied Soul Sessions are grounded in the embodied reality of your unique being, life and experience.  Held in spacious loving presence, these sessions invite you deeper into what is present and what is calling to you.  Through deep listening, sacred conversation, potent practice, compassionate presence, and intuitive guidance, we walk together with love in the fecund landscape of your soul life.  

Something waits in the seed of you

to grow and spread its branches

against a future sky.”

-David Whyte

What happens in a Soul Session?

We gather together in prayer and embodied presence. Sometimes this means a check-in, sometimes a practice I lead us in, sometimes prayer to deepen our awareness of Presence. Then we open to the field we create together, held in Sophia and the Mother Love. We keep expanding in love and compassionate curiosity as we listen in to the guidance and growing edges. Following the flow of sacred time, we close together in prayer.

What will I receive from a Soul Session?

While sessions are unique to each participant, some common experiences are:

  • increased awareness of one’s soul life and health

  • healing happening on levels previously unimagined

  • greater vitality overall in life and a growing desire to live more fully

  • a felt sense of one’s connection to expansive Spirit, however one names the Divine

  • a felt sense of one’s connection to earth and embodiment as ongoing resource

  • greater clarity in decision making and discernment

  • deepened trust in one’s self, path and life

Interested but have questions?  Schedule a FREE consult call with Erin here.  

Ready for a session?  Sign up here.  

Cost and Time Commitment

Sessions are typically an hour. I hold a spacious up-to 75-minute container for whatever flow is moving.

Sessions are $111. I offer a sliding scale of $85-125 per session, student & senior rates available upon request. Paying at the higher cost if you are able supplements those who cannot. I appreciate your honesty and generosity!

(for more information on where you fall in the sliding scale, check this out. If you still need help figuring out where you fit, let’s chat!)

Soul Spark, 30-minute sessions, available for returning clients. $55/session

Erin’s experience & credentials

Erin has been holding sacred soul space for individuals and communities for over two decades. She is a trained minister and theAlogian with masters degrees in catholic education, multicultural ministry, and christian spirituality from the University of Notre Dame, the Franciscan School of Theology and the Graduate Theological Union, respectively. She is also a certified yoga therapist, a facilitator of embodied transformation and a birth doula. She weaves all of her education, experience and trainings alongside her intuition, life of prayer and deep connection with Spirit into the unique offerings that are Embodied Soul Sessions.


“My soul sessions with Erin have transformed my connection to Goddess and my own spiritual journey. She has helped me become liberated from expectations and "shoulds" to embrace the path to the divine and integration that is just right for me. She does all of this with a fierce and gentle spirit that is a warm embrace helping guide me to wholeness. She is open to any way that I need and want to spend our time and helps me integrate my body wellness with my spiritual wellness. I always leave our sessions with insights and ideas to continue to work on in my own prayer life. I can't say enough about how much it has enhanced my spiritual life, and continues to be a source of great peace.”  -L.B.

“Erin has been my spiritual director for a few years now and… she has undoubtedly changed my life for the better. I’ve seen therapists throughout my whole life. When my therapist ended up retiring, I was on the hunt for a new therapist and instead I actually decided to meet with Erin because I wanted to talk through some spiritual problems and things I was working through. In that time I’ve realized that, although spiritual direction is not a replacement for therapy, I’ve gotten more out of spiritual direction in the last year than I have in years and years with conventional therapy.  I’m so happy to be where I’m at now because of Erin’s guidance and her wisdom and her teaching.  I’m eternally grateful for her and her role in my life.” -F.C.

Erin brings to us something ancient, that we all need, seek, and long for but is hard to find in our world. Many people look for a pillar of wisdom, or a soul to guide them on their path. In myths and legends there is a recurring wise woman who sits by the fire, in the tent, in the cave, in the tree, in the forest, or by the water. And everyone goes to her. In fact, they flock to her, because she is wise, honored, close to Great Spirit, and maybe even a bit mysterious… But she is the one who knows. Erin knows. And the gift she brings to the world is to help others to know their own souls naturally. Erin does not bestow knowledge, or give advice, or provide guidance. She teaches others to grow their own knowledge, feel their own gut, reawaken their own instincts, and create their guide from within.” -H.R.

"Erin has an incredible ability to deeply listen and accompany others. She trusts the natural movement present in conversation and life and allows the organic unveiling of wisdom and truth to manifest…. Erin creates a safe space for customized exploration and guidance. Her ministry is synergistic, approachable, and grounded in Love. I am honored to have the gift of Erin in my life and know countless others who feel the same. " -A.B.