Meeting Mother Mary Anew  

Priestess, Prophetess, Queen

A 3 hour, online mini-retreat in preparation for Advent

Receiving the true power of your baptism in the waters of HER never-ending Life & Love

In this retreat, we'll spend time getting to know Mother Mary in an embodied, soulful way, as sister, teacher, friend and mother. A wonderful preparation for Advent, this retreat will gather us in community, bring us into Her presence, and wash us anew in the waters of life and love.

Mother Mary is known as the "Queen of Heaven and Earth" in the Catholic lineage.  She is the mothership, the power-house, the fierce mama reminding us of the deep truths in the depths of our own souls and bodies.  Embodying qualities both human and divine, she is a beacon of the Mother Love, the Goddess in our midst and in our hearts.  Repeatedly she holds up a mirror for us, pointing us back into our own power-- the rebirthing waters that name us Priestess, Prophetess, Queen. She beckons us to be who we are in this world, courageously, despite the many conditionings that would turn us away from the light at the center of our souls.    

This Advent, come home to Her, come home to your own deep power and grace.

QUEEN: Serve Life


PRIESTESS: Sanctify Power

You are invited…

to a nourishing, homing and whole-making mini-retreat experience in the Love of the Mother…

WHEN? 2 opportunities to attend: Wednesday, November 29th, 6-9 pm CST

OR Saturday, Dec. 2, 11 am- 1 pm CST

Where? In the Zoom Room, and the comfort of your own home space

Who? Women and non-binary siblings; folks of all faiths or none welcome, with awareness that this work is an excavation in and of the Sophia Christ wisdom stream (Catholic Christian lineage in the reclamation of the Divine Feminine)

How much? this mini-retreat is just $13 to attend. Please feel welcome!

**All attendees of this retreat will receive first access to a brand new 9-month initiation journey, a deep dive into these baptismal waters of priestess, prophetess, and queen at the intersection of the Christ-light lineage and the Divine Feminine. Space will be limited.

Ready? Register Now.

(Please fill out the form and then proceed to payment.)

Welcome! I’m Erin, your retreat facilitator

Hello! I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. It’s wonderful to meet you. I am a midwife of the soul, a movement minister, and proud priestess in the Divine Mother Love. I was raised Roman Catholic, and while there were many things I loved about this faith path (and remain grateful for!), my work is in the renewal of the Christian lineage in the light of Her, the Sacred She. She has so many names— Sophia, Divine Mother, Magdalena, Gaia, Goddess. Her primary home is in YOU, and me, and this earth body Herself. As St. Teresa of Avila says, we are her hands and feet in this world! It is an honor to work in these intersections of reclamation of the Christ-light lineage, the Divine Feminine, embodiment, and liberation. May all beings be truly free! My training and initiations are varied: I hold three masters degrees in multicultural ministry, Christian spirituality and Catholic education from the Franciscan School of Theology and the University of Notre Dame. I am a certified yoga therapist, birth doula and facilitator of embodied transformation. Yet my primary initiations and teachers have come through life— the death of my youngest sister ten years ago and the obliterating grief portal; marriage to my partner John and the truly liberative force of love that lasts; and the constant communion with the natural world. It is an honor to be of service in these ongoing ways!