A New Year’s Eve SoulDance Ceremony

Tuesday, December 31st

6:30-8:30 pm

St. Louis, MO

Release & Renew

At the turn of the year, you are invited to release the old and dance your way into the new.

As human beings, we are so perceptive— taking in information constantly from our surroundings, our experiences, and our communities both local and global. We need space to process and integrate on a cellular, somatic level. In the dance, we practice shedding what’s no longer of service so we can keep clarifying what we are here to create, choosing how we want to consciously participate in this life. In the dance, we enter into the body’s sacred way. We explore the energies that have been, that might still be in our cells. We engage what we might want to let go of and expand into the release that is also a rebirth. This is where we evolve— and emerge again.

Join us at this turn of the wheel of time to dance, to remember together, to release and renew!

What’s SoulDance?

SoulDance is a style of free-form, conscious dance born from Erin’s 22+ years of moving in this way. In the safe, sacred container that is SoulDance, you get to move however you want to, however the music, energy and community move you. You cannot do it wrong. You will be held in loving, accepting space, and gently guided to drop into your own body’s wisdom. SoulDance engages the movement form of Evolve Ecstatic Dance (also developed by Erin). The Evolve Arc follows 7 organic movements that will open you more and more into the energies in motion— Enter, Explore, Engage, Expand, Evolve, Emerge and End. When we drop into the body’s inherent wisdom and joy in motion, so much can happen! We release, we process, we have fun, we gain clarity and insight, we connect, and we heal in ways that are beyond words. No prior dance experience of any kind is needed. Your body and your soul, held in loving community, know the Way!

Hi! I’m Erin. I’m so glad you’re hearing the call to dance!

I’m a movement minister, midwife of the Soul and priestess of the Divine Mother Love.  My world opened expansively when I began dancing authentically over twenty years ago.  Since then, I have pursued the dance in myself and all over the world, studying with teachers of the 5 Rhythms, Dancing Freedom, Open Floor, Soul Motion, Contemplative Dance and other modalities.  Dance is by far my favorite way to pray and practice this being human.  I especially love dancing in community and cultivating community of liberated beings, dancing into joy and healing.  I’m also a spiritual innovator, doula, theAlogian and writer, exploring all the ways the Divine Feminine is coming into being in new ways now, in our time.