Release & Renew: New Year's Eve SoulDance Ceremony
Thanks for joining us in the Dance! Together, we release what has been and step into the new stretching before us.
Please choose your payment below. (Standard rate applies to most of us; if a lower rate would provide access at this time, please choose that; if you can, your extra support directly gives another dancer access!) Thanks for your honesty & generosity, and for being part of this community of love and liberation!
Thanks for joining us in the Dance! Together, we release what has been and step into the new stretching before us.
Please choose your payment below. (Standard rate applies to most of us; if a lower rate would provide access at this time, please choose that; if you can, your extra support directly gives another dancer access!) Thanks for your honesty & generosity, and for being part of this community of love and liberation!
Thanks for joining us in the Dance! Together, we release what has been and step into the new stretching before us.
Please choose your payment below. (Standard rate applies to most of us; if a lower rate would provide access at this time, please choose that; if you can, your extra support directly gives another dancer access!) Thanks for your honesty & generosity, and for being part of this community of love and liberation!