Sophia Circles monthly membership
This purchase allows you access to all 3 Sophia Circles during the month. These are held the 1st Mondays (3:00 pm CT), 2nd Sundays (4:30 pm CT) and 3rd Tuesdays (7:00 pm CT) of each month. You will receive a link for the month’s worth of Sophia Circles after this purchase. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in circle.
This purchase allows you access to all 3 Sophia Circles during the month. These are held the 1st Mondays (3:00 pm CT), 2nd Sundays (4:30 pm CT) and 3rd Tuesdays (7:00 pm CT) of each month. You will receive a link for the month’s worth of Sophia Circles after this purchase. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in circle.
This purchase allows you access to all 3 Sophia Circles during the month. These are held the 1st Mondays (3:00 pm CT), 2nd Sundays (4:30 pm CT) and 3rd Tuesdays (7:00 pm CT) of each month. You will receive a link for the month’s worth of Sophia Circles after this purchase. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in circle.